Ceea ce vedeti este o imagine surprinsa in timpul paradei militare ce a avut loc cu prilejul implinirii a 10 ani de la celebrul 23 august 1944. Trupele aflate in defilare fac parte din regimentele sovietice ramase pe teritoriul Romaniei, garantie a derularii etapelor necesare implinirii idealurilor comuniste spre care ne indreptam cu hotarare.
Here is a photo taken during the military parade on the 10th anniversary of 23 August 1944. The marching troops are part of the Soviet regiments that remained in Romania as a guarantee to going through the stages necessary for fulfilling the Communist ideals we would determinedly make our way to.
Imaginea este una de presa realizata la comanda Keystone Press Agency cu sediul in Viena si reprezentante in Londra si New York. Imaginea este insotita de urmatoarea explicatie:
This is a press image commissioned by Keystone Press Agency with head offices in Vienna and with offices in London and New York. The image is accompanied by the following note:
“Tenth anniversary of Rumania’s liberation !!! – On August 30th 1944 the troops of Malinowskij’s “Third Ukrainian Front” occupied Bucharest. On occasion of the Tenth anniversary of Rumania’s Liberation a military parade took place recently in Bucharest displaying the Force now in service. Keystone-Eastern service-photo shows: Marching past in front of the official tribune on occasion of the 10th anniversary. (Please credit Keystone – Vienna).”